Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 7

Day 7

August 7

I’m writing this sitting on a train in England, I’m feeling bad that I haven’t kept up with all of this, but traveling with mono is not advisable. Not only are you tired from all that you do and all the sightseeing and traveling, you are exhausted all the time. So I’ve been using all my spare moments to catch up on sleep or just turn off my mind by reading before the next school semester starts. Eventually, I will be cought up because I will have stopped traveling J

So, August 7, 2011.

Today we took a train out to Pozoli, a little town outside of Naples. We both needed a break from Nasty Naples, as my mother termed it. We got there, and walked down until we could see the coast and sat and had a little snack. It was beautiful. Under the shade it was not nearly as hot and it was just a better overall atmosphere.

After chilling out for awhile, we walked to the sulfatara, Pozoli’s claim to fame. It is basically a volcano crater that you can walk around and see mud pots and some hot jets. A little tiny Yellowstone if you will. Well, without the huge bison in the road (but at least your dad can’t roll down your window when you’re right next to one in the road to freak you out…).

We finally made it up the hill to the entrance of the Sulfatara and bought our entrance tickets. Then we walked around the guided path. It was lovely, until you got into the open part of the crater. Then it was insanely hot. Not only was it humid outside with the sun beating down on you, there were hot stem jets around you at about 310 F and the floor was much hotter. So you had heat from below and above. Mom quickly lost interest in it and wanted to leave, but I left her on a bench looking for rocks, while I ran around to all the information signs and interest points. It was interesting, they claim that all the sulfur in the air helps to give you better… probability of having children. In the 17th and 18th centuries, people actually put brick buildings over the steam jets to create a type of sauna to go to get their dose of aphrodisiac.

After the sulfatara, we headed back to our hostel, stopping before our trip down shoe row at the main station to pick up a quick bite to eat. When we got back to the hostel, we took a shower and headed to bed after some more farkle.

Oh yeah, this is the day…. We were almost the victims of pick pockets. As we were getting on the tram, 4 guys surrounded my mom while she was getting on, and tried to pick her pocket. Thankfully she had nothing in there but dirty tissues from our horrid colds. Then once she got through, I headed in. At this point I had no idea what was going on, until I looked down and saw someone’s hand in my purse. I yelped ‘stop it’ and shoved the guy with his hand in my purse into the pole you hold when the tram is moving. Then went and sat with my mom. The two main guys in this whole charade had gotten back off the tram at the stop where we got on, but as the train started moving, we noticed two more guys that wouldn’t stop staring at us. We sorta freaked at this point, but when they got off at the next stop, we turned to each other and just laughed at the situation we had just been through. Another adventure!!

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